Sleepy Fox Games

A, currently, solo developer from Georgia, USA, Kyle has been creating games for as long as he can remember. Originally using the long forgotten ZZT to create projects and stories, he started before 3D graphics were wide spread. Always trying to fight boredom, growing up deep in the forest, he bounced between every hobby from sound design/music composition to 3D modeling, texturing, and animating. Eventually, he realized he should probably do something with these things and, 56 half made projects later, he finally decided to release a game. The idea behind Stack Attack was to boil down the mechanics of an idea until it was so simple that he couldn’t possibly leave it unfinished. A game so simple, it MUST be released. That, however, doesn’t mean that he wanted to skimp on the details and enjoyment of it. Simple does not mean bad, released does not mean good. Kyle carries a high bar for himself that he will cry if he does not meet. Anyways, this is getting long winded and I’m sure most people have already moved on with their lives. If you’re still here reading this, know that I appreciate you for your time. I appreciate anyone who even saw the home page, much more for anyone who saw this “about” page. Also, I’ve stopped talking in third person, which isn’t conducive to an about page. And so, Kyle returned to the ramblings as if this page was about him, not by him. There’s MANY more projects in the works. Some of which actually will see the light of day. May the world we sculpt be an upward trend of entertainment.